The information below will explain how you get help based on an issue or any other need for support.

Help your self via app
We've added support directly in the app. If you were to receive an error message while using the app. The error message will show an error code and explanation to what's wrong and how it may be solved. Most issues may be solved simply by showing you what's wrong, but other times you might have to contact us. If you contact us we'll ask for the error code to more efficiently assist.
We've also published a demo of our app on both Google play for Android and App store for iOS. Here you can test all functionality so the actual use later on will go as smooth as possible.
Contact us
If your experience is that the built in app support won't solve your issues or you receive an error code telling you to contact us. Please use the contact information below. Our staff can provide support in both Norwegian and English.
Phone: +47 400 00 410
24/7 phone: +47 400 00 410
Opening hours: 24/7

FMC-The directorate of fisheries
Sometimes an error code will request you to contact FMC. This can be done by unsing the contact information below.
Ring FMC: +47 55 23 83 36